Product Development Process and Lifecycle

Based on the requirements specified in SRS, usually more than one design approach for the product architecture is proposed and documented in a DDS – Design Document Specification. It will then be reviewed the following week by one of the integration team and either integrated or rejected. Once integrated, the fix will be tested, and then included in the next weekly release. If you’ve set up GitHub Actions integration, the issue will automatically show the GHA build status for the branch(es) you’ve submitted for peer review. After your first fix is integrated you will be added to developers group and will be able to send issues for peer review yourself. In this case make sure you are listed as Assignee and click on Request peer review button in the tracker.

During this stage, you can also get early feedback from customers about what they think of your ideas before coming up with a final definition for your product. One of the best ways to get this feedback is through surveys, where you can easily and quickly collect information from existing customers. For most seasoned business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs, the product development process often carries a mystical aura.

Types of Software Development Processes

Creating a PRD ensures all stakeholders share a clear understanding of the product’s purpose and attributes—no matter if you’re starting new or working off existing products. Group brainstorming sessions, on the other hand, mix diverse perspectives together, increasing the chances of generating unique ideas. The SCAMPER method (Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate, Reverse) encourages you to rethink existing products or a new product concept from different angles.

  • Let’s explore how The Cheese Slice could sequence their next app improvements in a roadmap.
  • Make sure you examine competitors’ product offerings to identify strengths and weaknesses, learn from their successes and failures, and find inspiration for your final product.

The SDLC aims to produce a high-quality software that meets or exceeds customer expectations, reaches completion within times and cost estimates. During the sprint, the team meets daily to discuss solutions and progress, as well as to organise testing and peer reviews of code. From Monday to Thursday, the integration team (a small team of senior developers employed by Moodle HQ) conducts a code-level review of all issues in the integration queue.


These prototypes help you identify areas of risk before you create the product. Development activities are performed in order, with possibly minor overlap, but with little or no iteration between activities. User needs are determined, requirements are defined, and the full system is designed, built, and tested for ultimate delivery at one point in time. A document-driven approach best suited for highly precedence systems with stable requirements. CI/CD (Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery) is a set of practices and methods that speed up software delivery by introducing automation into an SDLC. Each iteration goes through verification and requires either user or stakeholder feedback.

What are the 7 stages of a new product development process?

  • Stage 1: Idea Generation.
  • Stage 2: Idea Screening.
  • Stage 3: Concept Development & Testing.
  • Stage 4: Market Strategy/Business Analysis.
  • Stage 5: Product Development.
  • Stage 6: Deployment.
  • Stage 7: Market Entry/Commercialization.

Based on the rational How to Show Remote Work Experience on Your Resume used by the software industry, this approach offers a framework to strategically plan, iteratively develop, continuously verify quality, and control changes. Each phase tends to produce deliverables required to execute the upcoming step in this software life cycle. Codes are delivered in accordance with plans which are then termed as the development phase. All these stages are concocted with the help of a team of software development technicians who are crucial for each step. The process for software development, regardless of the maker, goes through multiple stages in a stepwise fashion. It is termed as the “Software Development Lifecycle.” It is segregated into 6 various steps.

SDLC Models

He’s an ardent supporter of prototyping, as evidenced by an office nearly taken over by dozens of prototypes of zoom tubes, pro-, and standard-issue binoculars. He says that there is no substitute for holding the prototype in your hands and seeing how everything comes together. Seeing an early prototype, and improving it in the next iteration, gives him incredible confidence that not only can he execute his vision, but that customers will love it.

development process

The major focus for stage 1 should be to arrange brainstorming sessions where solving customer problems is given precedence. The New Product Development (NPD) process is about grabbing the market opportunity that revolves around customer needs, checking the idea’s feasibility, and delivering working software. Stakeholders should also be included in these steps to ensure their needs and requirements are being met or addressed. Collaboration and communication became as important as technology, and because the Agile Manifesto is open to interpretation, Agile has been adapted and modified to fit organizations of all sizes and types.

“Let’s get this closer to what we want.” The plan almost never turns out perfect when it meets reality. Further, as conditions in the real world change, we need to update and advance the software to match. Next, let’s explore the different stages of the Software Development Life Cycle. Sign up for Shopify’s free trial to access all of the tools and services you need to start, run, and grow your business.

What are the key steps of the development process?

Although the product development process differs by industry, it can essentially be broken down into seven stages: ideation, research, planning, prototyping, sourcing, costing, and commercialization.